UBITECH ENERGY is co-author in Energy Market Design and Flexibility BRIDGE annual report
The BRIDGE Regulatory working group was established at the origin of the BRIDGE initiative with the objective of fostering knowledge sharing among H2020 projects affected or addressed by different regulatory aspects in the Energy domain. The Regulatory WG, as the entire BRIDGE initiative, structures its activities on a yearly basis.
In 2022, the work of the BRIDGE Regulatory working group was structured upon 4 actions: (i) improving market access for consumers to value their flexibility; (ii) examining options for service provision by energy communities; (iii) facilitating flexibility market coordination and integration; and (iv) supporting the potential synergies coming from increased sector coupling/sector integration/system integration. UBITECH ENERGY led the work related to the 4th action focusing on the identification of existing barriers hindering cross-sector integration.
The results of this work are presented in the working group’s annual report on Energy Market Design and Flexibility. In this report, Katerina Drivakou (UBITECH ENERGY’s Energy Systems Researcher) and her co-authors from VITO/EnergyVille, Comillas Pontifical University and DOWEL Innovation present the state of the art of the European demonstration activities regarding explicit and implicit mechanisms for acquiring system services, the possible grid services that energy communities could deliver to support the future needs of the grid and the barriers hindering the provision of flexibility services by e-mobility, households and heat resources.
You can read the report here: https://op.europa.eu/s/yYkU