UBITECH ENERGY is awarded by ENTSO-E a study about the “Integration of the Power and Heat Sectors”

The European Commission’s legislative package (Fit for 55 package) aims to ensure that EU policies are in line with the climate goals agreed by the Council and the European Parliament by revising and updating EU legislation and by putting in place new initiatives. This set of proposals includes an Amendment of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), which showcases the importance that energy efficiency will play in the energy transition. In this context, the concept of sector coupling (SC) has been emerged, representing an approach to replace fossil fuels with energy from renewable electricity sources. One of the most prominent coupling of sectors is the integration of the power and heat sectors, i.e., either by direct electrification from renewable energy sources or power transformation in order to be used for residential/district level heating (power-to-heat, also known as P2H).

Towards this quest, the Working Group 4 (WG4) Future of Energy Systems of the Research, Development and Innovation Committee (RDIC) of ENTSO-E awarded UBITECH ENERGY a contract to perform a study with TSO perspective on Integration of the Power and Heat Sectors. The goal is to conduct a comprehensive study, focused on the potential benefits, e.g., unlocking flexibility potential through sector coupling, increased VRES integration, reduced VRES curtailment, and challenges, such as grid impact assessment, energy adequacy and grid adequacy, that TSOs will have to address in the coming years.