UBITECH ENERGY kicks off Fresco project
UBITECH ENERGY participated in the virtual kick-off meeting, hosted by CIRCE (June 10, 2020), of the frESCO Innovation Action, which has officially started on June 1st, 2020. The project is funded by European Commission under Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement No. 893857) and spans on the period June 2020 – November 2023. The vision of the frESCO project to engage with ESCOs and aggregators and enable the deployment of innovative business models, on the basis of novel energy and integrated energy service bundles that properly combine and remunerate local flexibility for optimizing local energy performance both in the form of energy efficiency (energy savings) and demand side management (demand response). Such new service and business models will bring under common Pay for Performance Contracts (extended form of current EPCs) two currently differentiated service offerings to enable the realization of next-generation smart energy service packages.
The frESCO service packages will combine moderate retrofitting services (smart equipment for data collection and remote/ automated control) with energy efficiency, distributed energy resources (generation and storage) with self-consumption optimization schemes and smart home automation with the provision of balancing and ancillary services to the grid (under the form of demand response), to engage residential consumers in energy efficiency/ grid optimization activity through integrated and tailor-made packages addressing different customer groups, their unique needs and preferences, without overlooking important aspects of the modern citizens demand for comfort and well-being (human-centric energy optimization).
Within frESCO, UBITECH ENERGY will actively participate in WP3, supporting CIRCE and CARTIF in the definition of the novel business models and frESCO service bundles and its validation in a simulation environment, respectively. Moreover, UBE will build on its expertise as SW tools developer for the energy sector in WP5, working closely with WP leader UBITECH and the module developers, particularly for the Advanced Performance Monitoring/ Forecasting Module for Generation/ Storage/ Demand Assets.