UBITECH ENERGY kicks off the SMART5GRID Project
UBITECH ENERGY participates at the virtual kick-off meeting hosted by ENEL (January 19-21, 2021) and reaching 160 attendees from almost 70 different external companies. 5G is envisioned to be the first global technology standard that will address the variety of future use cases of the energy sector, by ensuring that both the radio and core network performance requirements can be met in terms of endto-end latency, reliability, and availability.
The Smart5Grid project, officially started on January 1st 2021, aims to revolutionise the Energy industry through the successful establishment of four fundamental functions of modern smart grids, i.e., (i) automatic power distribution grid fault detection, (ii) remote inspection of automatically delimited working areas, (iii) millisecond level precise distribution generation control, and (iv) real-time wide area monitoring in a creative cross-border scenario, thus assisting power grid operators and other energy stakeholders.
Smart5Grid introduces an open 5G experimental facility, supporting integration, testing and validation of existing and new 5G services and NetApps from third parties (i.e., SMEs, developers, engineers, etc., that do not belong in the consortium) since underpinning experimentation with a fully softwarised 5G platform for the energy vertical industry is one of the key targets of the proposal.
The project is funded by European Commission under Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement No. 101016912) and spans on the period January 2021 – December 2023.
Within Smart5Grid, UBITECH ENERGY contributes towards the elaboration of the use cases and the system requirements analysis and to the definition of the system-level technical specifications and technological choices for 5G enabled smart energy grids. Moreover, UBITECH ENERGY will actively contribute towards the integration of high levels of variable renewable energy sources into 5G connected smart grids by overseeing and supporting all the stages of the real-life demonstration; from the preparation of the Smart5Grid field platform and NetApps integration and validation to the actual field demonstrations.