UBITECH ENERGY participates in the KoM of THUNDER project hosted in Genoa, Italy in 30th to 31st of January 2024
UBITECH ENERGY participated in the KoM of THUNDER project hosted in Genoa, Italy in 30th to 31st of January 2024
THUNDER project aims to overcome existing barriers hampering the wide adoption of waste heat from Data Centres. To support the efficiency of DC heat recovery the storage systems and their flexibility are important. THUNDER solutions stretch across the value chain (datacentre, innovative storage providers, heat pump providers, and district energy company operators) and will be validated in field conditions at a Demo Site in Bulgaria.
UBITECH ENERGY’s role in this project is to:
- contribute to WP1, WP4, WP5, WP6
- assist in the definition of the monitoring plan for the operational stage of the Demo
- support the WP2 and WP7 activities