Revolutionize the energy value chain with new technologies and pave the way for its new digital era
UBITECH ENERGY was founded by a blend of experienced ICT Consultants and Energy Research Innovators, with a long track record in the identification, design, development and commercialization of research and innovation smart energy projects.
Building upon a deep and thorough understanding of energy systems current needs and future challenges, these projects have been addressing a wide range of technologies and domains – including smart grid solutions, energy efficiency, IoT, cybersecurity and data privacy, renewables integration, energy markets and services, blockchain technology, cloud computing and big data analytics.
The vision of UBITECH ENERGY is to revolutionize the energy value chain with new technologies and pave the way for its new digital era.
Smart grid solutions
The smart grid refers to the ICT-enhanced electricity supply network that enables the optimization of energy production, transmission, distribution and storage, including the ability to promote active customer participation, and facilitate accommodation of distributed generation and storage options. In this context, UBITECH ENERGY integrates smart grid solutions across the whole electricity value chain addressing the challenges of network reliability and efficiency, asset lifecycle optimization, renewables integration and digital transformation.
Energy efficiency
UBITECH ENERGY opens the door for new types of energy services which optimally control and steer energy consumption according to market and system needs. ICT-tools and big data generated by smart meters, smart devices and sensors help monitor and verify energy savings and flexibility and thus provide for appropriate remuneration of optimized consumption. UBITECH ENERGY technology solutions favors energy services of this kind that combine clean energy penetration and end-user benefits towards increasing their viability, nevertheless result in real, measurable energy savings and performance improvements of the overall energy system.
Big data analytics
Energy systems are overwhelmed by sources of data: markets, assets, geography and system operation data, which can be used to predict states, provide situational awareness, analyze stability, detect faults and provide advance warning. UBITECH ENERGY delivers the ground for next generation energy services by utilizing big data analytics algorithms for the analysis of streaming and stored data, correlation of identified patterns in real-time and dynamic ranking of adaptive propositions towards the energy stakeholders.
Transmission and Distribution Grid Infrastructure Innovations
Targets set in the Clean Energy Package are stressing the electricity infrastructure. Transmission and Distribution grid upgrade investments are costly and usually face public descent for environmental and aesthetic reasons. New technologies that minimally disrupt existing corridors and infrastructure footprints, but unleash energy flows potential, are priceless for the evolution of the electricity grids to meet the EU clean energy targets. UBITECH ENERGY explores novel grid constituents coming from the industry’s state-of-the-art (i.e., high-tech conductors, FACTS, intelligent universal transformers, efficient power electronic devices, DER controllers, storage configurations, HVDC modules), studies thoroughly their impact on the power system operation, designs architectures and implements applicable plans for novel technology integration and benefits maximization.
Digitalization brings many benefits, but it also opens the door to increasing risks for energy security, both from natural hazards such as geomagnetic storms and from unintended cyber incidents and intentional cyber-attacks. UBITECH ENERGY team is highly experienced in developing cybersecurity “shields” for energy infrastructure and data systems, built around the key concepts of Resilience, (i.e., the ability of a nation, system or institution to adapt to changing contexts), Cyber hygiene, (i.e., the basic set of precautions and monitoring that all ICT users should undertake), Security by design, (i.e., the incorporation of security objectives and standards as a core part of the research and design process).
TwinEU will leverage a unique set of competences coming from grid and market operators, technology providers and research centres to create a concept of Pan-European digital twin based on the federation of local twins so to enable a reliable, resilient, and safe operation of the infrastructure while facilitating new business models that will accelerate the deployment of renewable energy sources in Europe. TwinEU puts together a unique consortium with a very wide participation of grid operators from 15 countries: cooperation must happen now and there is no time to wait. The project not only aims at an extraordinary innovation, but it has the goal to make the process sustainable and efficient way beyond the funding cycle. Thanks to a unique concept of partnership, TwinEU guarantees the best innovation today and the best approach to a sustainable future later.
Pan-European Interoperable AC-DC HYbrid Electricity NETworks
HYNET plans to enhance network security, facilitate islanding operations, and support investment planning by incorporating multi-energy modeling, thus enabling more efficient grid management across varying conditions and supporting the European energy transition. Through real-world demonstrations in diverse settings, HYNET targets to establish a robust framework for the future of European energy systems.
Storage INNOvations for Green ENErgy Systems
SINNOGENES project aims to develop the Storage INNOvations (SINNO) energy toolkit, a complete framework of methodologies, tools and technologies that will enable the grid integration of innovative storage solutions beyond the state-of-the art, while demonstrating sustainability, technical performance, lifetime, non-dependency on location geographical particularities and cost. It will develop successful energy storage business cases and systems and deploy them in innovative and ‘green’ energy systems at different scales and timeframes. SINNOGENES will target the effective integration of innovative energy storage systems and value chains at the interface of renewable energies and specific demand sectors, while ensuring the compatibility of systems and standards of distributed energy storage for participation in flexibility markets. Six pilot projects will take place in Portugal, Spain, Germany, Greece and Switzerland while a detailed scalability and replicability analysis will prove the wide impact of SINNOGENES project innovations at pan European level.
ENabling FLexibility provision by all Actors and sectors through markets and digital TEchnologies
ENFLATE aims at developing and demonstrating in 6 Demonstration campaigns across 5 countries, a
collaborative platform of tools enabling consumer-driven business models for energy services, valorising their multi-vector flexibility potential, integrating them with other non-energy services (cross-industry services), like health and mobility ones. These tools will build upon already validated, deployed and demonstrated solutions in previous H2020 project and national initiatives.
Digital solutions for improving the sustainability performance and FLEXibility potential of HYDROpower
The D-HYDROFLEX project aims to advance excellence in research on digital technology for hydropower paving the way towards more efficient, more sustainable, and more competitive hydropower plants in modern power markets.
To this end, D-HYDROFLEX will develop a toolkit for digitally ‘renovating’ the existing hydroelectric power plants based on sensors, digital twins, AI algorithms, hybridization modelling (power-to-hydrogen), cloud-edge computing and image processing.
The objective of ECLIPSE project is the implementation and demonstration of the Common European Reference Framework (CERF) for energy consumers applications across the EU, enabling voluntary energy consumption reduction and load shifting, based on recommendations, strategies, and incentives, promoting sustainable energy consumption behaviour and empowerment of final consumers.
ECLIPSE project will define a set of rules and conditions for the development of new energy consumers applications and to improve existing ones. These applications will provide to the final consumers with simple, useful and user-friendly information on energy savings, and broader benefits (such as a reduction in CO2 and other financial and social incentives) and at the same time reinforcing the stability and resilience of electricity grids, by means of consumer flexibility (e.g., through smart EV-charging, shifting heating loads, self-consumption, etc).
One Network for Europe
The vision of ONENET is to provide a seamless integration of all the actors in the electricity network across Europe to create the conditions for a synergistic operation that optimizes the overall energy system while creating an open and fair market structure. This synergistic process is enabled by open IT architectures that guarantee continental level interoperability. This new open architecture will provide new market mechanisms encouraging new business models which will be developed to support both large population areas and small- and medium-sized DSOs and TSOs, in Europe.
federated data and intelligence Orchestration & sharing for the Digital Energy transitiON
ODEON aims to promote connectivity, interoperability, and seamless data exchange between different stakeholders in the energy sector, prioritising privacy, and data protection. It advocates for increased investment in electricity grids to facilitate a smarter and more resilient energy system, alongside accelerated deployment of digital solutions. Additionally, it focuses on empowering consumers, especially those vulnerable or with low digital skills, to participate in the energy transition while protecting them against high energy prices online as they are currently off-line. ODEON underscores the importance of enhancing cybersecurity, addressing the energy consumption of digital technologies, and promoting greater efficiency and circularity. Ultimately, it seeks to establish a coordinated EU-wide approach to drive green and digital energy transition.
ReGeneratIoN of NeiGhbourhoods through placE-based appRoache
GINNGER aims to revitalize neighborhoods and built environments through co-creation processes involving diverse stakeholders. The project focuses on planning and implementing actions in local environments to reduce social, environmental, technological, and economic risks, ultimately delivering healthy, affordable, and sustainable built environments in the EU. GINNGER will establish and validate a co-creation methodology for decision-making in regeneration actions, emphasizing social impact. The methodology, drawing on SSH innovations, will be validated in six pilot locations, supporting the implementation of 21 regeneration actions. GINNGER will also introduce the role of Green Neighbourhood Facilitator in the pilots and develop a digital toolkit for technical support in planning, implementing, and operating regeneration actions, consisting of 13 digital solutions. The project, executed by a consortium of 24 partners from eight EC member states, aims to generate 14 key exploitable results, setting long-term strategies for cooperative models in neighborhood regeneration.
THermal energy storage solUtions to optimally Manage BuildingS and Unlock their grid balancing and flexibility Potential
THUMBS UP aims to develop and demonstrate thermal energy storage (TES) at daily (based on environmental friendly PCM) and weekly level (based on TCM sorption technology) solutions to be easily integrated in EU buildings (both connected and not-connected to DHN) to increase their energy efficiency as well as to exploit Power-to-Heat (PtH) approaches also to make EU Buildings as grid flexibility actors. THUMBS UP wants to overcome all the limits of stateof-the-art building-integrated PCM and TCM TES technologies, increasing TES energy density and reducing CAPEX.
ECOsystems EMPOWERing at regional and local scale supporting energy communities
Reliable AI and Data Optimisation
Smart Grid-Efficient Interactive Buildings
EVELIXIA puts a large focus on social engagement empowering citizens as not only adopters of solutions but also, as their co-creators applying methodologies for citizen and consumer engagement and advanced human-to-building interfaces.
During the EVELIXIA platform deployment and validation, different actors (i.e., DSOs, DNOs, ESCOs, aggregators) from various sectors (electricity, heating/cooling, mobility) will exchange data for providing B2G and G2B services and they will participate in the development of Business Models showcasing the economic viability of the solutions proposed.
Towards Intelligent DC-based hybrid Grids Optimizing the network performance
TIGON aims to achieve a smooth deployment and integration of intelligent DC-based grid architectures within the current energy system while providing ancillary services to the main network. To do so, TIGON proposes a four-level approach aiming at improving 1) Reliability, 2) Resilience 3) Performance, and 4)Cost Efficiency of hybrid grids through the development of an innovative portfolio of power electronic solutions and software systems and tools focused on the efficient monitoring, control and management of DC grids.
These solutions will be demonstrated in two main Demo-Sites located in France and Spain and will rely on the integration of a high share of RES in MVDC and LVDC and their interaction with different AC and DC loads such as electric vehicles (EV) and energy storage systems (ESS), not only reducing energy losses but also optimizing the overall control and operation of the grid in a cost-effective and seamless manner.
IntegrAted SolutioNs for the DecarbOnization and Smartification of Islands
IANOS aims to demonstrate under real-life operational conditions a group of both technological and non-technological solutions adopted to harsh islandic conditions, in two Lighthouse(LH) islands, covering a multitude of energy supply, storage and end-use vectors on different climatic and socio-economic conditions, while taking the appropriate measures for their replication into 3 Fellow islands.
IANOS adopts an Island Energy Transition Strategy built around three (3) Island Energy Transition Tracks that focus on: a) Energy efficiency and grid support for extremely high RES penetration, b) Decarbonization through electrification and support from non-emitting fuels, c) Empowering Local Energy Communities (LEC).
New Business Models for Innovative Energy Service Bundles for rESidential COnsumer
frESCO project is developing new Energy Performance Contracting in the residential sector to disengage from current old-fashioned savings-based performance contracts and allow to evolve energy market trends with the introduction of novel hybrid schemes that do not only reduce costs, but also create new revenue streams.
The frESCO packages will combine building retrofitting and investments for the installation of smart equipment, energy efficiency measures, flexibility services, as well as non-energy services such as comfort preservation, indoor air-quality, security, well-being, emergency notification services etc.
Demonstration of 5G solutions for SMARTenergy GRIDs of the future
Smart5Grid project aims to revolutionise the Energy industry through the successful establishment of four fundamental functions of modern smart grids, i.e., (i) automatic power distribution grid fault detection, (ii) remote inspection of automatically delimited working areas, (iii) millisecond level precise distribution generation control, and (iv) real-time wide area monitoring in a creative cross-border scenario, thus assisting power grid operators and other energy stakeholders.
rEsilient and seLf-healed EleCTRical pOwer Nanogrid
ELECTRON is EU H2020 SU-DS04-2018-2020 funded research project that aims at delivering a new-generation EPES platform, capable of empowering the resilience of energy systems against cyber, privacy, and data attacks
DATA hub for the Creation of Energy communities at Local Level and to Advance Research on them
DATA CELLAR aims to create a public energy dataspace that will support the creation, development and management of local energy communities in EU. Such dataspace will be easy to be populated (also via an innovative rewarded private metering approach) and easy to interact with, also guaranteeing a smooth integration with other EU energy dataspaces and providing to LEC stakeholders services and tools for developing their activities.
In this context, DATA CELLAR will implement a collaborative platform providing an interoperable, modular, and secure energy data space capable of delivering access to datasets, Decision Support Tool and Artificial Intelligence (AI) models to serve and support the spread LECs. In addition, DATA CELLAR will facilitate data collection/sharing from both LEC stakeholders, researchers and tenants also targeting the development of a marketplace and a tokenization rewarding approach that can stimulate such actors to both use and populate the data space.
Establishment of a FramewORk for Transforming current EPES into a more
resilient, reliable and secure system all over its value chain
The main objective of eFORT is to make European power grids more resilient and reliable to failures,
cyberattacks, physical disturbances and data privacy issues. To this end, a set of technological innovations
will be developed for the detection, prevention and mitigation of risks and vulnerabilities with positive impacts
on power system operation and stability. The eFORT solutions will be demonstrated at TSO, DSO, substation
and consumer levels in 4 real demonstration grids that have been selected considering their complementarities
and relevance to tackle the main threats of current European power systems.
THermochemical storage Utilization eNabling Data centre seasonal Energy Recovery
THUNDER project aims to overcome existing barriers hampering a wide adoption of waste heat from Data Centres. To support the efficiency of DC heat recovery the storage systems and their flexibility are important. THUNDER solutions stretch across the value chain (datacentre, innovative storage providers, heat pump providers and district energy company operators) and will be validated in field conditions at a Demo Site in Bulgaria
FAcilitating Regional CROSS-border Electricity Transmission through Innovation
FARCROSS aims to connect major stakeholders of the energy value chain and demonstrate integrated hardware and software solutions that will facilitate the “unlocking” of the resources for the cross-border electricity flows and regional cooperation.
FARCROSS proposes state-of-the-art digital technologies into the power system in order to enhance and optimize the coordinated effort between TSOs and between TSOs-energy producers and establishes a next-generation electricity market which will operate on a regional basis and will benefit from dispersing assets and increased presence of RES, thus creating incomparable economic benefits to the stakeholders of the chain.
The Seven Areas of our Expertise
Digitalization holds the potential to catalyze more fundamental, system-wide changes. Electricity is likely to be the first energy sector to see the impact of this deeper transformation and the one that will ultimately be most affected. As highly interconnected electricity networks can emerge, blurring the distinction between traditional suppliers and consumers, with increasing opportunities for more local trade of energy and grid services. UBITECH ENERGY provides approaches to optimally design and operate next generation energy systems with active consumer participation, highly interconnected transmission networks and various flexibilities stemming from distributed energy resources (DERs), efficient asset management and grid intelligence.
UBITECH ENERGY provides approaches for efficient real-time big data analytics through workload optimized data stores and query parallelization techniques that can also be applied to smart grids. These methodologies enable data analytics to be performed both on streaming and on stored dataset, as well as on legacy technologies in the energy grids, through a powerful environment for data management on top of different data stores (i.e., SQL, NoSQL, CEP). UBITECH ENERGY provides AI-based technologies that unlock values to energy stakeholders such as system flexibility, demand aggregation, increased asset lifetime, real-time pricing and optimization, optimized site decisions, clean energy share maximization.
Acting as the bridge between the dispersed energy resources and the transmission corridors, distribution systems are facing significant flexibility challenges. Prosumers, electric vehicles, distributed RES are sources and sinks of clean energy but impose operational complexity. UBITECH ENERGY designs, develops and implements DER management and local markets platforms to facilitate active distribution management, demand response and promote consumer engagement.
Interconnected EU transmission networks act as the backbone of the electricity supply down to the end-user. Electricity markets evolve to shorter market time intervals, creating new challenges for the transmission operation, and require much deeper coordination between operators close to real time. Short term adequacy forecast, capacity calculations, security coordination are key issues of regional transmission operation. UBITECH ENERGY architectures and platforms provide solutions to manage these network and market complexities, ensure grid services in full geographical coverage, quality of clean energy supply to the consumers, while minimizing operational risks and uncertainties.
UBITECH ENERGY focuses on novel architectures for the efficient development and integration of distributed edge applications, over combined IoT and cloud computing, with energy ecosystems. Service mesh architectures are integrated with cloud and edge computing architectures in order to allow optimized and resource-decoupled utilization of the underlying cloud and edge resources. Shielded with cyber security measures, UBITECH ENERGY provides solutions addressing end-to-end the requirements of distributed edge applications: from the abstraction of the underlying infrastructure, through the collection and real-time processing of the data, to the development of the application to exploit the edge data while managing the provisioned levels of users experience.
Blockchain is able to reduce transaction costs through standardization via smart contracts and the automatic execution of orders. Blockchain technology strengthens the market role of individual consumers and producers. It enables prosumers to buy and sell energy directly-manually or via automation-with a high degree of autonomy. UBITECH ENERGY designs, develops and integrates customizable blockchain-based local marketplaces to securely promote microgrids, VPPs, local energy communities and consumer engagement into the electricity value chain.
The energy transition underway comprises primarily of a push towards replacing bulk fossil-fueled generation with volatile renewable and distributed generation. This results in increased uncertainty and complexity in both the business transactions and in the physical flows of electricity in the grid. A deeper look at energy patterns holds a promise for improving grid operation, energy efficiency and sustainability. UBITECH ENERGY builds on the expressive mathematical power of machine learning algorithms and deep learning (i.e., logistic regression, random forests support vector machines) to develop applicable tools that generalize across multiple smart grid problems, system operation needs and energy market forecasting.
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