NOVA and UBITECH ENERGY co-host the kick-off meeting in Athens, Greece (September 14-15, 2022) of the ENFLATE Innovation Action, officially started on September 1st, 2022. The project is funded by European Commission under Horizon Europe Programme (Grant Agreement No. 101075783) and spans on the period September 2022 – August 2026.

UBITECH Energy leads the implementation of a “cybersecurity framework” for Tigon project.

Read more in the following article here

The second review of the FARCROSS H2020 Innovation Action research project with the external reviewer and the Project Officer from the EC side took place on June 21, 2022, wherein the FARCROSS consortium successfully presented the results of the work of the project during the second year of the project. The FARCROSS project aims to connect major stakeholders of the energy value chain and demonstrate integrated hardware and software solutions that will facilitate the “unlocking” of the resources for cross-border electricity flows and regional cooperation. The project will promote state-of-the-art technologies to enhance the exploitation/capacity/efficiency of transmission grid assets, either on the generation or the transmission level.

UBITECH Energy research group, as the project’s technical coordinator, presented the project’s progress towards its technical and operational objectives, as well as a summary of the project’s achievements so far. During the review, videos from the FARCROSS demos were displayed. The reviewer and the PO provided some interesting feedback and recommendations for future work.

UBITECH Energy (UBE) participated successfully in the 1st technical review meeting of the OneNet H2020 project.  Mr. Anastasis Tzoumpas, as the WP2 leader, presented the main achievements conducted in the context of the first 18 months of the project. Specifically, he presented the advancements regarding the products and services definition in support of OneNet, which aim to set the basis of the work to be done in the OneNet project. During his presentation, an overview of the market solutions and digital platforms that were presented so far in the EU pilot projects was given, along with the European policy frameworks,  and business use cases (BUCs) proposed in the OneNet project. These products and BUCs will strongly engage the consumers to maximize the flexibility resources that the grid operators can use to meet the clean energy challenges. The differences among EU markets were reviewed and specific priorities for KPIs, Scalability and Replicability of OneNet solutions were devised to enable the pan-EU integration of these new services and products digitally procured for system operation.

UBITECH Energy participates as a Task leader in Integrated System Operation, Open IT Architecture and Reference IT Implementation for OneNet in close collaboration with the project consortium.

UBITECH Energy (UBE) participated successfully in the 1st technical review meeting of the IANOS H2020 project.  Mr. Anastasis Tzoumpas, as the WP3 leader, presented the achievements conducted in the context of the first 18 months of the project. Specifically, he presented the technical advancements regarding the materialization of a concrete energy planning and decision-making toolkit (IEPT suite), which aims to assist the energy transition of geographical islands. Different components were developed in this time period: a dedicated web platform for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)/ Life Cost Cycle (LCC) studies,  an equity crowdfunding tool, tool for power system modelling and simulation, and a tool that conducts Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA).

UBITECH Energy participates at OneNet Open Days as a moderator for the Eastern cluster session that will take place on 27 June online from 14.00 – 15.30 CEST.

UBITECH Energy participated in the virtual kick-off meeting hosted by RINA-C (June 13-14, 2022) of the DATA CELLAR Innovation Action, which officially started on June 1st, 2022. The project is funded by European Commission under Horizon Europe Programme (Grant Agreement No. 101069694) and spans on the period June 2022 – December 2025. DATA CELLAR aims to create a public energy dataspace that will support the creation, development and management of local energy communities in EU. Such dataspace will be easy to be populated (also via an innovative rewarded private metering approach) and easy to interact with, also guaranteeing a smooth integration with other EU energy dataspaces and providing to LEC stakeholders services and tools for developing their activities. In this context, DATA CELLAR will implement a collaborative platform providing an interoperable, modular, and secure energy data space capable of delivering access to datasets, Decision Support Tool and Artificial Intelligence (AI) models to serve and support the spread LECs.

Within DATA CELLAR, UBITECH Energy leads the development of the DATA CELLAR data-driven energy services, as well as the development of DATA CELLAR Digital Twin platform which will provide the ‘vehicle’ to materialize the citizen-driven energy-related activities into the operation of the energy system, while moving citizens to the foreground. In addition, UBITECH Energy contributes to the assessment of relevant existing EU databases and to investigating how DATA CELLAR data space can be interconnected with them and other energy dataspaces.

UBITECH Energy’s Anastasis Tzoumpas, Head of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Unit, participated as speaker at the InnoGrid 2022, organized by the European Distribution System Operators’ Association (E.DSO) and the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E) on Tuesday, 14 June.



InnoGrid has been the annual appointment on European innovation in power networks for a decade now. InnoGrid 2022 “Value of the Grids” looks into power networks being central to the delivery of Europe’s energy & climate goals, integrating more renewables and new technologies. In that context on 14 June, a selection of EU funded projects including FARCROSS that showcases how the project brings value to the grid. The focus throughout InnoGrid 2022 has been on how to accelerate the transition in order to reach the European ambition in the next decades.

UBITECH Energy, as FARCROSS’s technical coordinator,  presented how FARCROSS develops grid-enhancing solutions to enhance the security of supply in the SE European region without adding new grids




GRIFOn (GRId Forum) is an initiative launched by the OneNet H2020 project to promote and facilitate the creation of a community of stakeholders interested to collaborate and actively tackle the most pressing issues regarding the future European electricity markets.

The second GRIFOn workshop took place on the 16th of May, focusing on TSO-DSO-customer interoperability and integration-related topics such as gaps, barriers and enablers on data exchange and interfaces, data models and ontologies, customer integration and cyber security.

The event was structured as small group discussions, followed by a general discussion with all the participants, reviewing the outcome of the group discussions. UBITECH Energy team participated in moderating two of the group discussions delving deeper into the topics of DSOs’ concerns regarding data exchange when integrating flexibility, standardized data models and protocols, as well as the essential information risk-management strategies for every organization.

In close collaboration with researchers from the Smart5Grid H2020 Innovation Action, UBITECH ENERGY co-authors a journal publication entitled “Demonstration of 5G Solutions for Smart Energy Grids of the Future: A Perspective of the Smart5Grid Project” that has been just accepted for publication from MDPI Energies, a peer-reviewed, open-access journal of related scientific research, technology development, engineering, and the studies in policy and management and is published semimonthly online by MDPI.