UBITECH ENERGY actively engaged in the fourth plenary meeting of DATA CELLAR, held on November 23rd and 24th, 2023, in Gijon, Spain. As the lead for DATA CELLAR’s Work Package 5 (WP5) – focused on the development of Data-Driven Energy Services – and Task 5.2, which centers on creating data-driven digital twin models for energy communities, UBITECH ENERGY provided updates on the progress of both the work package and the task. Additionally, collaborating with WP4 (DATA CELLAR ICT Architecture Reference Definition and Edge and Cloud Platform Development) and WP6 (Data Marketplace and Valorisation, Tokenization and Distributed Ledger Technologies), UBITECH ENERGY contributed to discussions on the overall configuration of DATA CELLAR architecture during the WP4-WP5-WP6 Working Session.