UBITECH ENERGY participated in Enlit Europe in Paris from November 28 to 30, representing the SINNOGENES project. During ENLIT, SINNOGENES took part in a session titled “Large- and Small-scale storage technologies,” which explored various storage technologies such as P2G, CAES, hydro storage, molten salt storage, batteries, electric vehicles thermal energy storage (including power to heat, heat pumps, hot water tanks, geothermal, and flywheels) at both the transmission and distribution levels.
Ilias Zafeiropoulos, the Technology Director of UBITECH ENERGY, participated in a panel discussion, moderated by Patrick Clerens from the European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE), and presented the primary focus and key innovation topics of their respective projects. Additionally, the panel discussion explored crucial aspects of energy storage, providing valuable insights into future possibilities in the energy sector.
The SINNOGENES project, for which UBITECH ENERGY handles technical coordination, aims to establish a comprehensive framework of methodologies, tools, and technologies (SINNO energy toolkit). This toolkit is designed to facilitate the transition to clean energy by offering innovative energy storage solutions and flexible power generation. It ensures system compatibility and compliance with distributed energy storage standards for participation in flexibility markets.